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One Moment in Bali

Hi :) I am Kevin and a Filipino guy who loves to travel and discover anything and everything. I am not actually good in writing blogs or here I am trying to do so. You may find interesting facts within this post, but if you found none I definitely understand why. Enjoy!

Bali is no wonder a paradise and everyone's dream destination. It has been part of my bucket list before and time has come that I'll be able to

visit this paradise.

I decided to go to Bali to celebrate my special day, some time during March, and I went there alone. Yeah, I was alone for my birthday. How cool was that? For me, it was the coolest thing. Like what I am saying, I did backpacking. One way that you could enjoy, In my opinion personally, is to do backpacking. You meet new friends, you socialize and make connections, you experience things in a different way. I have no problem travelling with families and friends, Its just that I believe there are places and times that we could all enjoy with them but there are also places that are so much fun to discover alone. When do backpacking, you charge everything to experience. Good and Bad.

Seminyak Beach, Bali, Indonesia

Seminyak Beach, Bali, Indonesia

I am departing from Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila and I got 3 hours of travel to Bali, Indonesia. I was able to get a promo for a direct flight.

As I stepped out of the plane, everyone was speaking to me with the Balinese Language, cos I really look like them. Given that Philippines and Indonesia are neighbor countries, maybe that's why. And surprisingly, I got myself to Indonesia Alone. I am so proud.

my backpack at the Denpasar Airport

My backpack at Denpasar Airport

Note that their currency is Indonesian Rupiah and they won't accept any other for every transactions . Better have yourself Rupiah for your transport. They have money changers inside the airport but it will be better to exchange money in town. But be careful also. I personally was ripped off and got cheated on. It would help also if you read in advance about the place you'll go to and get some tips.

I got transport for 150,000 rupiah going to Kuta only, just 2-3kms away from the airport. That amount is so much for in reality that is like 60,000-80,000 rupiah only. Yeah, this was the first I got cheated. Anyway, I just think of my golden rule when backpacking. I advised if you could arrange transport with your hotel so it won't be a problem when you get there or just book a grab or Uber.

I stayed in Kuta which I observed was mostly young backpackers and those who really travel alone. Also, Kuta is well-known for its clubs and nightlife. Seminyak and Legian are somehow for older tourists and for couples.

I actually stayed in a hostel named Captain Goose for 100,000 rupiah for 3 nights. Not bad for me. The room was for 4 bunk beds and luckily I was able to enjoy the whole room alone for a night.

And the struggle continues for they are still speaking to me in Balinese, but I managed to tell each and every one of them that I am not an Indonesian. It was fun. Until my last day in Bali, I was explaining myself. Lol.

You don't have to go to fancy restaurants for they have go-to eateries along every streets and it actually tastes good. You get to be full at cheaper costs. There are also convenience stores.

Indonesian foods are really good, they are partly like the Filipino foods. I haven't tried most of their spicy dishes for I was not really into it, but I must say that when you requested for spicy, they will give what you asked for.

I know some of the featured photos are not Indonesian's but who cares. I was craving for pasta that time perhaps.

Bali has a lot to offer, all you have to do is to have all the energy in the world and experience them all. Be mindful and do make reservations of your planned tours with licensed and trusted agencies. Or perhaps with your accommodation cos for sure they offer the same and you might get discount for availing it with them.

Left photo was me beach bummin' and on the right was an unknown guy about to go surfing.

And here I am trying to be locale as I was seemed to be local in their eyes. Those standing are Indonesians who arrange travels and tour while I was sitting with my Swedish friend.

So there you go! that was first blog ever and I know I am missing so much details but yeah, next time I'll be including my sample itinerary and more tips I guess.

Hope I haven't wasted your time haha and I'll be better with this thing soon.

Feel free to comment, Good and Bad are all welcome. Thank you!



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